Ronaldo Conte

Ronaldo Conte, 35, was born and raised in Brazil. He has a licentiate degree in Letras—Linguistics, Literature, and Education—from the Federal University of Paraná, and was an English teacher at the Intercultural Language Center of that university. He is currently enrolled in the American Studies Master’s program at Leipzig University. In 2015, he was in the editorial team of Aspeers (, a peer-reviewed journal for European American studies. His research interests include contemporary migrant literature and foreign policy.

Brazil’s “More Doctors” Program: Trading Rights for Social Justice

Ms. Rousseff’s administration has been complicit with Cuba’s exploitation of their doctors working in Brazil, affronting constitutional principles, international law, and national sovereignty Brazil has long struggled to provide medical care to small towns and rural communities.  Few doctors have applied to vacant positions in these places due to the lack of career prospects and of basic infrastructure.  Under the free Unified Health System, Continue Reading...